Image by Aleksandra Buguslawska on

What is meant for you wont pass you by.

Trust in the flow of life.

3 min readDec 2, 2021


Many people race through life believing that; if they work hard that they will achieve and reach their desired destination in life, which is in their own eyes is their vision of happiness. They race to achieve milestones hoping and praying that each step will bring them closer.

Many people believe that if they graduate university they will be happy. However, some people can’t catch a break and keep attending interview after interview and wondering why they can’t get the position they so desperately want. They believe thats once they find the job they want they will be happy.

Then once they have achieved this, they feel they are not exactly riding the wave of the good life that they had imagined. So they rush towards their next goal in life. Perhaps a promotion or buying a beautiful home.

Others want to find an ideal partner, someone to share life with and enjoy the good life. Well, soon they realise all their friends are getting married, which makes them feel that they will never find anyone suitable and feel that finding Mr or Mrs Right is like finding a needle in a hay stack.

The Reality

The movies make everything in life seem easy to achieve and every milestone is reached in good timing, but in reality, all this does is create insecurities in people and make people believe that they have failed in life. This is an unrealistic reality.

The movies only show what people want to see and not the actuality that everyone has their own path in life and lessons, which need to be learned to help you grow as a person.

I too felt that i was missing out on life as I felt I wasn’t able to reach the timelines which I had creating in my head. Timeline which were made by other people.

In truth, everyone has a path to take in life and everything happens for a reason, and perhaps what you thought you wanted might not be good for you or even could have caused you more problems than good.

I once missed a bus when I was younger and was so annoyed that the driver pulled away even though I was at the door. Only to find out later that the bus was involved in a traffic accident as the next bus I took was diverted. My annoyance changed to appreciation, and helped me realise that there is a greater plan than my mind could comprehend.

Off course, there is the famous saying;

“Life is what happens to you whilst your busy making other plans”

- John Lennon

Overall life will keep flowing whether you make a lot of plans or not. Sometimes its worth to just breathe and see what happens. Whatever is meant for you in this life wont pass you by.




Uplifted sunseeker, cake enthusiast who is wondering what my next flavour in life will be. Health professional by day, star gazer by night. African chic!